Wild Flower Farm offer tours to all sorts of clubs, schools, and individuals.

Plan to spend a few hours here, there is a lot to see and learn!

Solar Power

Wild Flower Farm has been using solar power for many years and didn't even connect to the grid during the first few years after building the house.

Wind Power

Wind contributes to powering the house, charging the same battery bank as the solar panels. Wind is also used to aerate the pond.


Dozens of animals live at Wild Flower Farm. Most coexist very well. Coos, llamas, alpacas, horses, sheep, dogs, emu, and even cats have spent time together around the water and hay bails.


McCallie Music Studio is a recording studio built from the ground up at Wild Flower Farm. It is also the home base for the award winning Matt McCallie Orchestra.


We host tours of all sizes for schools, auto enthusiasts, photographers, families, clubs, and individuals.


Ideal for small, rustic farm weddings Wild Flower Farm has a porch gazebo overlooking a garden with room to seat family and friends.


Our automotive collection includes vehicles dating back to the 1920s that still operate. We have military, off road, and custom built vehicles as well.

YouTube Videos

Visit the Wild Flower Farm YouTube Channel to watch brief videos of animals and Scottish farm life in Missouri.

Tours are available by appointment only.

We recommend coming prepared to purchase Shetland wool garb

and McCallie Highland Coos organic beef.

Yes, you will get to meet and pet the animals in person!

Because tours are primarily outdoors, we recommend

scheduling tours on fair weather days. Please email or call for

rates and available dates.